Der einzig wahre Sitzsack aus Nylon, der mit kleinen Kugeln gefüllt ist, die sich an Deinen Körper anpassen - egal in welcher Position Du sitzt oder liegst. Der Fatboy Original, Sitzsack und Einrichtungsikone in einem. Wasser- und schmutzabweisend. Bleibt viele Jahre lang schön, in jeder Farbe. Der Fatboy Original ist in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich und passt perfekt zu dem Metall-Schaukelgestell Rock 'n Roll.
Here’s the story
If you’re really serious about relaxing, then there’s really only one serious option: Fatboy Original. This bean bag has been synonymous with relaxation since 2002, everywhere. Renowned all over the world, this oversized bean bag simply invites you to envelope yourself in comfort. Fatboy’s Original bean bag is 6.8 kilos of instant relaxation. Forget sitting up straight, or with one leg neatly crossed over the other. This bean bag has just the one setting: Relax. With a capital R. The strong nylon cover is water- and dirt-resistant and can take rough treatment in its stride. Giving you many years of enjoyment from your Fatboy Original. Which is exactly the intention.
The one and only bean bag – and rocking bean bag
The Original bean bag is available in over 10 colors, including red, ice blue, and lime green. In the warehouse in Den Bosch, every Original bean bag is manually filled with 3,542,897 tiny plastic balls. These wrap themselves around your body, in whatever position you sit or lounge in. Always wanted to rock on your Fatboy bean bag? You can with the Rock ‘n Roll, an oversized metal rocking frame that’s a perfect fit with your Original. Place your bean bag on it and what have you got? The most relaxed rocking chair imaginable, that’s what. But be warned: you’ll never want to get out of it.